Go to www.ndcommerce.com, the official site for North Dakota Commerce Department.
North Dakota Department of Commerce
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1600 East Century Avenue, Suite 2 - Bismarck, ND 58503 - 701-328-5300
Business Development
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North Dakota Profile
Major Companies
Company Profiles
Economic Development and Finance Services
Business Toolkit
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ND companies invited to QVC product search
Hoeven Announces Launch of ND Trade Office
California company announces location in Langdon
APUC Commissioners Award $147,475
Goodrich Corporation to Expand at Jamestown Plant
 Commerce Matters Newsletter


Each month an electronic newsletter is sent to individuals interested in economic development activity in North Dakota. An Adobe Acrobat version of the newsletter is also available. To view the most recent newsletter or access the Acrobat file, click here.

If you would like to be added to the list of people we email this newsletter to each month, please send the following information to [email protected].

Your Name
Company Name
Company Address
Email Address

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