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Hoeven Appoints Citizens to Serve on State Boards
Posted on April 5, 2002

BISMARCK, N.D. - Gov. Hoeven has named several citizens to serve on state boards.

Tami Reller of Fargo has been appointed to a three-year term on the Development Fund. Reller is the Chief Financial Officer for Microsoft Great Plains Business Solutions. The Development Fund works on economic development in North Dakota and operates like a private corporation.

Robert Blackford of Kenmare and Dave Massey of Bismarck have been appointed to three-year terms on the Workforce Development Council. Blackford is the Chief Executive Officer of Wolverine Drilling; Massey is the director of Adult Education and Literacy Programs in the Department of Public Instruction. This Council advises the governor and the public concerning the nature and the extent of the workforce development and economic development needs in North Dakota. It also advises on how to meet these needs effectively, while maximizing the efficient use of available resources and avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort. The mission is to establish an effective and responsive workforce development system, and support policies that will provide every North Dakotan the opportunity for self-sufficiency and the state with a superior workforce that can compete in the global marketplace.

Alan Austad, Anita Kostek and Jim Leary of Bismarck have been appointed to three-year terms on the Youth Development Council. Austad is the director of the North Dakota Labor Education Council; Kostek is an insurance clerk at Medcenter One Health Systems; Leary is the director of Rehabilitation Services in the Department of Human Services.


Contact: Kathy Ibach or Don Canton, (701) 328-2200

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