Our business profiles can provide you with a wealth of information on economic activity in North Dakota. You can search for a specific company by its name, gather information by city or product, or use the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to research industries using standardized coding that allows for comparison in data analysis.
Companies displayed on our web site have responded to our surveys. If your company does not appear on our site, you can add it by selecting ADD A PROFILE from the menu on the left.
The first page of the survey will help us determine whether your business is a �primary-sector� business. These companies bring new wealth into the state. If your business appears to meet our guidelines, you will be prompted to complete the remaining two pages of our survey. If it does not meet our guidelines, you need not go further. All businesses must, of course, be located in North Dakota.
If your company already appears on our web site, you can update your information by selecting UPDATE A PROFILE from the left-hand menu. A user name and password has been mailed to your company to safeguard your record. You will need this information to update your company data. If your record becomes outdated we may remove your listing from our web site.
ED&F; staff will review records added or updated over the web. You can expect to see your updated listing appear on the web 7-10 days after you submit it to us. If you have problems or questions related to this procedure, contact [email protected].
To see an overview of business expansions across all industries in the previous years, select a year from the drop-down menu below.