Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes have long been the standard used to sort businesses into their respective categories. In 1997, this changed with the creation of NAICS, the North American Industrial Classification System.
The Department of Economic Development and Finance will use both classifications until final conversion to the NAICS system has been achieved. A search using either classification will net you the list of your choice. For more information on SIC and NAICS codes, we suggest you visit the web site of the U.S. Census Bureau. A listing of NAICS codes is also available by printing the document found at the bottom of this page.
Please remember, our database in not all-inclusive and data collection is an on-going process. Companies that have not responded to survey requests may not be included in this listing. Should you have questions or wish to provide updated information on any of the companies listed, contact Leigh Ann Huether, 701-328-5336.
NAICS codes (73K) Adobe PDF formatted file. Adobe Acrobat required.