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Firm hired to assist ND with economic prosperity
Posted on May 9, 2002

BISMARCK, ND - The North Dakota Economic Development Foundation has retained AngelouEconomics (AE), a consulting firm from Austin, Texas, to assist the Foundation in developing its strategic plan. The plan will provide direction to the Foundation and set the tone for economic development efforts in North Dakota for the coming years.

GNDA and members of the New Economy Initiative, as well as representatives from the Economic Developers of North Dakota, were among the many stakeholders invited to provide their insight and expertise to the process.

The planning process will result in a vision, mission and goals along with an operational framework that outlines the specific actions needed to achieve the plan�s objectives. In addition, the strategic plan will include benchmarks and performance measures to monitor the state�s effectiveness in reaching its specified goals.

The project began in mid-March and will be completed by mid-June.

The planning process includes the following elements:

  1. Extensive research of past economic development plans and industry trends that may affect the North Dakota economy.
  2. Hosting three workshops that will include local economic development leaders, Foundation members, and other stakeholders that will develop the vision, mission and strategy for the Foundation.
  3. Developing an operational framework that outlines the specific actions needed to achieve plan objectives and includes benchmarks to evaluate plan effectiveness.

The hiring of AngelouEconomics to assist in the completion of the strategic plan is part of Gov. John Hoeven�s continuing economic development strategy to create more higher-quality jobs for North Dakotans.

This strategy began with extensive research done by economy.com, and followed with the creation of the Department of Commerce and the North Dakota Economic Development Foundation. The Foundation�s strategic plan will take economic development efforts in the state to the next level and aggressively position North Dakota for business expansion or relocation.


For more information, contact: Rick Thrasher, managing director, AngelouEconomics, 512-480-3260

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