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Hoeven Announces APUC Award of $246,750 in Grants
Posted on May 23, 2002

BISMARCK, N.D - Gov. John Hoeven today announced that the Agricultural Products Utilization Commission (APUC) awarded $246,750 in value-added grants to 14 projects. APUC is a program of the North Dakota Department of Commerce.

�Value-added agriculture is one of the five targeted industries research has proven is a good match for North Dakota. The APUC grants program is another way we are moving our economic development efforts to the next level,� Hoeven said.

The 14 projects that received APUC funds include:

Inforcer, Inc., Newburg, was awarded $26,250 to develop its round baler unplugging system. The Inforcer allows farmers to remain seated on the tractor while mechanically unplugging the baler. Safety and convenience are the two main benefits

Superior Grains, Inc. a family owned and operated company located in Crosby, was awarded $63,000 to establish international markets for chickpeas, peas and lentils.

Tioga Area Development Corporation was awarded $5,250 to conduct a feasibility study dealing with a double-compressed alfalfa baling business in Tioga.

Safflower Technologies International, Williston, was awarded $21,000 to aid in establishing international markets in Japan and Western Europe for North Dakota safflower products.

eBirdseed.com, Grandin, received $17,850 to market North Dakota grown wild bird seed through print and direct mail, along with an aggressive e-commerce web site.

Cloverdale Growers Alliance, Mandan, was awarded $10,500 to study the feasibility of producing premium pork and bean products using North Dakota pork and dry edible beans.

Skandia Mills, a family owned business in Valley City, received $4,200 to help with its marketing efforts. Skandia Mills produces premium ground North Dakota flax and whole flax products. Flaxseed contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for maintaining human health.

Miltech LLC, Hillsboro, was awarded $8,400 to prototype a portable field ready Sugarbeet Tester. The tester would give growers the ability to map specific sugar yields so farmers could more accurately determine changes to crop parameters such as fertilization and field drainage.

Specialty Exports Productions, Hatton, was awarded $23,100 to help with their international marketing of North Dakota produced specialty grains and oilseeds. The target market is Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

North Dakota Dry Pea & Lentil Association, Bismarck, received $23,100 to develop a nutritional feed for livestock using dry peas and lentils. Plans are to market throughout the United States.

NDSU Mechanical Engineering Department, Fargo, received $17,850 to study biofuel from vegetables. The benefits to North Dakota agriculture will be a large increase in potential markets for oil producing crops and a reduction in the dependence of farmers on the price volatile diesel fuel supply with which to operate their equipment.

NDSU Plant Science Department, Fargo, was awarded $3,150 to study growing and handling sprout soybeans for export. This study will help soybean growers expand exports of soybeans to the Pacific-rim.

FarmNet Services, Harvey, was awarded $17,850 to hold producer meetings. Meetings would expand the number of growers using the Internet to market their crops. Results would be higher commodity prices and new and expanded markets.

West Bay Resort, LLC, Minnewaukan, received $5,250 to turn unsuitable cropland into a year around fishing, big game hunting, waterfowl hunting or a weekend getaway resort.

APUCs� next quarterly hearing is scheduled for Aug. 1 & 2, 2002 in Williston. The deadline for grant applications is July 1, 2002. For grant applications or information visit APUC�s web site at www.growingnd.com. For more information, contact John F. Schneider, North Dakota Department of Commerce, (701) 328-5350

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