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 Bismarck, ND 58503
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10-year Tax Study Ranks North Dakota #1

A recent independent analysis proved North Dakota has lower business taxes for food processing- and manufacturing-related industries than 10 other states. Eide Bailly, an accounting and consulting firm with offices in eight states, conducted the analysis as if it were research for a new facility.  The firm evaluated the 10-year tax costs to include land and building costs, an expansion, equipment costs, and employment and sales growth.

Research was conducted for all applicable tax scenarios, including incentives, for five tax areas:

     �  Property taxes

     �  State and local sales tax

     �  Corporate income tax

     �  Workers compensation insurance

     �  Unemployment insurance

North Dakota�s strategically developed tax incentives resulted in the lowest tax state ranking.  Our state has worked diligently to provide incentives to assist new and expanding businesses in the critical first five to ten years to get you to profitability faster.

Click Here for Food Processing Tax Comparison Summary

Click Here for Manufacturing Tax Comparison Summary

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