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 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503
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Privacy Policy

Records received by the State of North Dakota from web sites are subject to the same controls and uses as records collected by governmental offices visited in person. This agency provides security for information provided to it and it does not sell information it receives. We may be required to disclose collected information pursuant to a court order. In addition, we may be authorized to share this information with other state agencies for purposes of child support enforcement, law enforcement, collection of debts owed to the State or its political subdivisions and any other purpose authorized by law. Information not specifically addressed in this policy must be disclosed pursuant to the North Dakota Open Records Law.

In order to protect the information being gathered this site has security measures in place including firewalls, encryption, and authenticated access to internal databases where needed.

Log analysis tools are used to create summary statistics, used for administering the performance of the web sites, diagnosis of problems and determining which information is of most interest to the public. The following information is collected for analysis only: User Client hostname - the hostname and/or IP address if DNS is disabled of the user/client requesting access. HTTP header, "user-agent" - the user-agent information includes the type of browser, its version, and the operating system it's running on.

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