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Workforce Training

Job Service North Dakota is the one-stop administrator of all state and federal workforce training programs and financial assistance � another competitive advantage for North Dakota.

Job Service can provide a customized proposal outlining the state and federal programs and dollar amount available for any project based on the number and title of occupations and their corresponding wage rate.

          For example, a qualifying project with 100 occupations paying $40,000 a year could
          receive from $590,000 - $680,000  in workforce training assistance.

Two unique North Dakota programs that contribute to such a job training proposal are Workforce 20/20 and North Dakota New Jobs Training.

Workforce 20/20 is a state-funded program that assists North Dakota employers with implementing new technologies and work methods.  Since being enacted in 1991, this fund has helped employers provide retraining and upgrading of employee knowledge and skills.

New Jobs Training is an innovative program that Job Service North Dakota created to financially assist new or expanding primary sector businesses with filling hourly job positions.  The cost of the training under this program is paid for in whole or in part with the income tax withheld from the new employees.

Funded projects must emphasize job skills and basic skills training.  Funds are available regardless of the company�s size.  The direct cost of employee training can be reimbursed under the Workforce 20/20 program.  Costs can include instructor wages, tuition and registration fees, curriculum development and leasing of training equipment.

Job Service also provides assistance to companies with employee recruitment and testing services.  In addition, education and training resources offered through the North Dakota University System are considered for job training assistance.  This ranges from facility use to company-specific degree programs.

Related Links:

Job Service North Dakota

New Jobs Training Program

Workforce 20/20

Workforce Development Program

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