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Board of Directors

The North Dakota Agricultural Products Utilization Commission consists of nine board members. The governor selects three appointees who must be actively engaged in farming and two who must be actively involved in business. The commissioner of agriculture appoints one member. This member must also be actively involved in farming.

The board also includes three statutory members; the director of the Department of Economic Development & Finance, the president of North Dakota State University and the Commissioner of Agriculture, or their designees.

Name Appointed by Category City
Bruce McLean Governor Business Fargo
Bruce Anderson (Vice Chair) Ag Commissioner Farming Glenburn
Theresa Tokach Governor Farming Mandan
Bill Kingsbury Governor Business Grafton
Paul Lucy Statutory ED&F Director Bismarck
Jim Venette Statutory NDSU Designee Fargo
Myron Thompson Governor Business Minot
Dan Kalil (Chair) Governor Farmer Williston
Jeff Weispfenning Statutory Agricultural Commissioner Designee Bismarck

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