North Dakota - 642,200 (2000 census)
MSAs: Fargo-Moorhead 174,367
Grand Forks-East Grand Forks 97,478
Bismarck-Mandan 94,719
Employment Profile (2004 Annual Avg.)
Manufacturing 24,550
Information 7,650
Professional & 24,050 Business Services
Financial Activities 18,600
Utilities 3,350
Mining & Natural Resources 3,550
Construction 17,150
Wholesale Trade 18,250
Retail Trade 41,250
Transportation & 9,750 Warehousing
Educational Services 3,400
Health Care & 45,150 Social Assistance
Leisure and Hospitality 30,750
Other Services 15,100
Public Services 74,550
Total Nonfarm Employment 337,150
Property Tax Exemptions
Up to 5-year property tax exemption
Additional 5 years available for agricultural processors or a project located in property leased from a governmental entity
May negotiate a fixed or graduated rate over 20 years in lieu of property taxes
No personal property, which includes equipment inventory, materials in process, and accounts receivable Corporate Tax Exemptions
Five-year corporate income tax
Wage & Salary and Research credits available Sales Tax Exemptions
Sales and use tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment, water, electricity, interstate communications, and computer and telecommunications equipment for technology-based businesses
Financial Incentives
North Dakota Development Fund - gap financing loan and equity program
PACE program - interest buy down program at Bank of North Dakota
Match Program - some of the lowest interest rates in the nation for "A" rated companies Job Training Programs
One-stop job training assistance - both state and federal programs available for businesses
Workforce 2000 - state-funded program for training new technologies and processes
North Dakota New Jobs Training Program - "no cost" program utilizing employee withholding tax Workers Compensation
Lowest workers compensation premium rates in the nation
Two major Interstates: I-94 East/West, I-29 North/South
Two Canada-Mexico Trade Corridors
Fourth largest port of entry for Canadian goods by truck and rail
24-hour ports of entry along the North Dakota-Canadian Border
Extensive Cargo Rail by Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Canadian Pacific BNSF - main line route including Seattle to Chicago CP - main line route including Vancouver to Chicago
Four International airports (Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks and Minot)
� Four additional commercial airports (Devils Lake, Dickinson, Jamestown and Williston
Two OC-48 Sonet Rings provide strong redundancy
Extensive fiber Optic network - ISDN, ATM, xDSL, T1 T3, frame relay, SONET, satellite, cable and wireless service