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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503
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International Trade

The North Dakota Trade Office is dedicated to expanding North Dakota exports through advocacy, education and expertise.

The Trade Office is the catalyst in a collaborative effort among the state�s universities, state and federal government agencies and private export service professionals that collectively provide North Dakota companies with the support they need to succeed in the global marketplace. Its unique structure, a private-public, non-profit partnership, enables it to move at the speed of international business.

Organized in 2004, the Trade Office conducts international market research for North Dakota companies, helping them identify export markets best suited for their products and services. Identifying high-demand foreign markets is just the beginning. To help companies capitalize, the Trade Office and its network of export service providers offer assistance in every step of the export process.

Members of the Trade Office staff are located in Bismarck, Fargo, Dickinson and Grand Forks. Executive Director Susan Geib and her staff provide a full range of export services including market-entry research, export education and certification, trade mission management and assistance in finding reliable international distributors.

The Trade Office has built a large network of export service providers � shippers, law firms, bankers and other experts � dedicated to North Dakota and ready to help companies capitalize on export opportunities. The Trade Office also works closely with the U.S. Commercial Service as well as other private and public institutions to ensure that businesses get the support they need to expand in the international marketplace.

The Trade Office is directed by a nine-member advisory board predominantly made up of leaders from some of the state�s most experienced and successful export companies. Lt. Gov. Jack Dalrymple currently serves as the board�s chairman.

For exporting questions call the North Dakota Trade Office: 701-235-3638

    North Dakota Trade Office
    North Dakota Export Council
    Red River Trade Council
    Small Business Administration
    U.S Export Assistance Center
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