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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503
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Nicknamed the �Saudi Arabia of Wind,� North Dakota has an outstanding wind resource � providing more available wind for development than any other state.

Click here for a map of Wind Resources and Monitoring Stations

Since 2002, three wind development projects were announced in the state � one 40 MW wind farm and two 20 MW wind farms.

North Dakota offers the following state tax incentives for wind energy:

     Income tax credit of three percent for five years,
Property tax exemption for five years,
Sales tax exemption through January 2011 for 100kW turbines and larger, and
Property tax reduction of three percent of the assessed value, rather than 10 percent).

DMI, the fourth largest producer of wind towers in North America, is located in North Dakota.  In addition, LM Glassfiber is also located in North Dakota.  This Danish company is the market�s leading supplier of wind turbine blades and the preferred global business partner for wind turbine manufacturers and end-users.

For additional information about North Dakota�s natural resources or to have one of our business development
consultants answer specific questions regarding your project, contact us at 1-866-4dakota or 701-328-5300.


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