In 1999, North Dakota�s fiber network received a $50 million expansion from AT&T, running east to west along I-94. In addition, North Dakota invested $90 million and completed a statewide network called STAGEnet in 2002.
The network provides high-speed, broadband connections to 192 North Dakota communities and 202 schools, as well as video connections to 140 classrooms with 80 more classrooms in mid-2003. In the spring of 2003, 163 video courses were offered in 112 schools, reflecting a total enrollment of 2,252. Eighty percent of North Dakota�s population is within 30 minutes of a video site.
A University of North Dakota Social Science Research Institute survey completed in June of 2002 showed North Dakota to be one of the best-connected states in the nation. Eighty percent of businesses and 70 percent of citizens indicated they used the Internet. North Dakota was also among the top five states for the most citizen-friendly web portals in the nation in a 2002 Pricewaterhouse Coopers study.
Redundancy is critical when it comes to your telecommunications infrastructure. As you can see on the following map, North Dakota telecommunications providers have literally covered the state to protect businesses from gaps in service.
You will also notice two OC-48 sonet rings within the state. These self-healing sonet rings mean 100 percent connectivity and 100 percent redundancy for your organization. In addition, you will find ISDN, ATM, xDSL, T1, T3, frame relay, SONET, satellite and cable services available in North Dakota.
Click here for a Fiber Optic Map
For additional information about any of these infrastructure issues or to have one of our business development consultants answer specific questions regarding your project, contact us at 1-866-4dakota or 701-328-5300.