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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
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 Bismarck, ND 58503
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You need transportation access, and North Dakota delivers. The state is home to two main trade corridors for the nation:  the central North American Trade Corridor spans the state as Highway 83, and the Red River Trade Corridor crosses North Dakota as Interstate 29.  Both connect Canada with Mexico

North Dakota has a healthy trucking industry.  Truck transportation is essential to every goods-moving industry in North Dakota.  According to the North Dakota Motor Carriers Association, trucks carry 89 percent of all manufactured freight transported in North Dakota.  Trucks deliver freight for 800 manufacturing companies, supply goods to 4,630 retail stores and stock 2,620 wholesale trade companies.

To support this transportation, our road system is well developed and extensive.  The North Dakota Department of Transportation maintains 8,410 roadway miles of highway.  Interstate 29 begins at the Canadian border and runs through North Dakota to Kansas City, MO, a total of 747 miles.  Interstate 94, over 1,600 miles long, crosses North Dakota and connects Michigan on the east with Washington on the west.

North Dakota is the fourth largest port of entry for Canadian goods by truck and rail, according to a 2000 Economy.com report.  Two of the ports rank among the top 10 in dollar value of imports from Canada.

North Dakota has 19 different international ports of entry.  There are 18 ports along the North Dakota-Canadian border.  Of these, three are open 24 hours a day.  Along with the 18 border crossings, the Hector International Airport in Fargo is also considered a 24-hour port of entry in the country, according to the U.S. Customs Service.

For additional information about transportation access in North Dakota or to have one of our business development consultants answer specific questions regarding your project, contact us at 1-866-4dakota or 701-328-5300.

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