Quality of Life
Breathe the best air in the country in North Dakota. North Dakota ranks #1 for air quality, according to the Corporation for Enterprise Development�s 2003 report. The American Lung Association gave North Dakota counties measured in its report an �A� grade in its annual �state of the air� study which crunches government data on ozone, smog�s main ingredient. An �A� grade means North Dakota had no smog alerts from 1998 to 2003.
North Dakota is one of a handful of states to meet all National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Such standards are established by the Environmental Protection Agency to protect the health and welfare of all citizens. North Dakota was one of the first states to reach �attainment� status for all criteria pollutants. The state has remained in compliance since the standards were first established in the 1970s.
The water in North Dakota is among the purest in the nation. Pure, clean water is important for a place like North Dakota, where people enjoy the outdoors during each of our four seasons. We value the air, earth and water responsible for good crops, a clean environment and a healthy lifestyle.
In addition, North Dakota is the only state with no sites on the EPA�s Superfund National Priority List, and it has not experienced any major seismic activity. You can trust the air you breathe, the water you drink and the land on which you live in North Dakota.
For additional information about the quality of life in North Dakota or to have one of our business development consultants answer specific questions regarding your project, contact us at 1-866-4dakota or 701-328-5300.
Related Links:
North Dakota Department of Health