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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503
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Value Added Agriculture

The North Dakota Department of Commerce was created following the passing of a bill during the 2001 North Dakota Legislative Session. This legislation created a Foundation which is composed of a minimum of fifteen and a maximum of thirty private business people appointed by the Governor for two-year terms. Senate Bill No. 2032 outlines five distinct purposes of the Foundation. Among these is the creation of a strategic plan for the development of value-added agriculture in North Dakota.

Definition of Value Added Agriculture

The Department of Commerce Value Added Agriculture Strategic Plan defines value added agriculture as changes made to primary agriculture products (crops and livestock) that increase the product's value, thereby creating new economic activity and jobs in one of three ways:

Process activities that create value for the product and/or introduce the product to new markets

  1. Diversification and/or modification of primary agriculture products, or
  2. Pre-production modifications that increase yields, quality and uses

For the purpose of this strategic plan, value-added agriculture is not:

  1. On farm production of crops and livestock
  2. Biotechnology and research and development activities focused on increasing primary agricultural production
  3. Human capital investments
  4. Agritourism
  5. Seed production
  6. Transportation


Our initial focus is developing local markets for bio-fuels and its co-products.

  1. State Agencies
  2. Commodity Groups
  3. Livestock
  4. Bio-energy
  5. New and Emerging crops
  6. Consultants of past projects
  7. Construction companies
  8. Engineering companies
  9. Investors


The following pages will assist in guiding you to potential partners in your value added venture.

Marketplace Of Ideas

Midwest Dairy Association

National Sunflowers Association

ND Barley Council

ND Corn Growers Association

ND Crop Improvement & Seed Association

ND Dairy Coalition

ND Dry Pea and Lentil Association

ND Dry Pea and Lentil Council

ND Extension Service

ND Farm Bureau

ND Farmers Union

ND Grain Dealers Association

ND Grain Growers Association

ND Soybean Council

ND Stockmen's Association

Northern Canola Growers Association

Northharvest Bean Growers Association

Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association



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