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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503

For Immediate Release


Contact: John F. Schneider, APUC Executive Director




APUC to Review More Than $1 Million in Funding Requests


Bismarck, N.D. -- The North Dakota Agricultural Products Utilization Commission (APUC) will review funding requests for 12 projects totaling more than $1 million at its quarterly meeting in Fargo, Nov. 16.


APUC is a program of the North Dakota Department of Commerce that administers grant programs for researching and developing new and expanded uses for North Dakota agricultural products. The grants can be used for:  basic and applied research, marketing and cooperative marketing utilization, farm diversification, nature-based agri-tourism, technology, agricultural prototype and technical assistance. The November requests to be reviewed include:


NDSU Department of Ag Business & Applied Economics, Fargo, has requested $59,140 to research the economic feasibility of using field peas as an ethanol feedstock in North Dakota. For more information contact Cole Gustafson at 231-7096.


North Dakota Corn Utilization Council, Fargo, has requested $40,000 for Phase II of their project to develop an innovative, low-temperature electrochemical process for producing urea fertilizer from ethanol plant co-product carbon dioxide. For more information contact Jocie Iszler at 239-7258.


Washburn Area Economic Development Association has requested $41,250 to study the feasibility of a cattle feedlot and anaerobic digestion biogas facility co-located with the Blue Flint Ethanol Plant near Washburn-Underwood. For more information contact Rachel Retterath at 462-3801.


North Dakota Department of Agriculture has requested $10,000 to help defray the cost of North Dakota food businesses traveling to national and international trade shows and trade missions. For more information contact Stephanie Fox at 328-4763.


BTR Farmers Co-op, Leeds, has requested $26,250 to study the economic feasibility of a small-scale oil seed crushing facility, selling the vegetable oil and by-products and converting the vegetable oil into biodiesel. For more information contact Doug Dulmage at 446-2281


Yellowstone Ethanol Plant, Williston, has requested $250,000 to complete the business plan and technology process agreement, to complete water and geotechnical testing, to secure legal and accounting services, and to hire a project manager/consultant. The plant will be powered by North Dakota and Montana lignite, and will be converting grains, corn, barley, and wheat to ethanol. For more information contact Mark Sovig at 577-1358.


North Dakota Sow Center, LLLP, Forest River, has requested $406,665 for permitting, development and construction of three 5,000-head farrowing barns. The company plans to produce high-quality piglets to be sold to pig producers under contractual arrangement. For more information contact Craig Jarolimek at 248-3445.


Maple Valley Locker, Inc, Enderlin, has requested $20,000 to implement a marketing plan to coincide with the recently completed plant expansion and receipt of state inspection certification. For more information contact Kevin Hartl at 437-3311.


Myers� Meats and Specialties, Inc, Parshall, has requested $38,950 to make final adjustments in the development of a new �pulled pork� product and to develop a marketing plan to successfully sell the product. For more information contact Calvin Meyers at 743-4451.


North Dakota Branded Beef and Pack, LLC, Harvey, has requested $46,750 to market the newly acquired beef processing plant in Harvey to prospective customers through trade shows, advertising and other marketing activities. Plans are to also develop a comprehensive, integrated system for source verification. For more information contact Alvin or Juanita Braun at 224-0250.


US Omega3 Foods, Wheatland, has requested $54,970 to launch a progressive in-state, multimedia marketing campaign introducing a new line of North Dakota value-added products designed to significantly increase the nutritional benefits of any food product. For more information contact Robert Oberlander at 866-763-2383.


In the Potter�s Hand Inc, Wildrose, has requested $60,570 to introduce and secure markets for a new line of natural, specialty skin care and spa products. The Millennial Essential is composed largely of agricultural commodities produced by North Dakota growers. For more information contact Gerald or Christine Gillund at 539-2256.





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