Family-friendly, safe, affordable and relaxing are just a few words to describe North Dakota. But, this doesn�t begin to cover what the state has to offer!
North Dakota ranks number one in air quality, according to the Corporation for Enterprise Development�s 2001 ranking. North Dakota boasts more wildlife refuges than any other state. The Maah Daah Hey Trail in western North Dakota was named as one of eight national EPIC rides by the International Mountain Bicycling Association. Sports Illustrated Women magazine named the trail to its Top 18 Hot Spots.
North Dakota received an �A� grade in the American Lung Association�s annual �state of the air� study, which crunches government data on ozone, smog�s main ingredient. An �A� grade means North Dakota had no smog alerts from 1998-2000.
North Dakota consistently rates in the top three states for low crime rate and has been ranked number one for its low violent crime rate for many years, according to the 2002 Morgan Quitno Press state rakings.
Learn more about these and numerous other North Dakota facts when you click on the links below
Video Clip Darcy Volk
Director Unisys Shared Services Center
"I can�t speak enough about the quality of life in North Dakota. We�ve got great public education, we have a short commute for all of our employees, and when it�s time for their down time away from work, it is very easy to get to many recreational activities that the state offers." |